Froggy Mamma
who blogs over at the earth is our teacher
who was right, as were you all, I love the wombat.
Here is what Froggy Mamma said about her favourite Australian animal ~
"My favorite Aussie animal has to be the echidna - they're like cute little hedgehogs - only they lay eggs! Weird and cool. The babies are adorable too"

The echidna, along with the Platypus, are the only egg-laying mammals. The female lays a single soft-shelled, leathery egg twenty-two days after mating and deposits it directly into her pouch. Hatching takes ten days; the young echidna, called a puggle, then sucks milk from the pores of the two milk patches (echidna's have no nipples) and remains in the pouch for forty-five to fifty-five days, at which time it starts to develop spines. The mother digs a nursery burrow and deposits the puggle, returning every five days to suckle it until it is weaned at seven months. (info from Wikipedia)
Thanks for entering everyone - My big girl felt everso important drawing the winner's name from the hat and sat with me (past her bed time) to be sure they had followed the 'rules'.
As your entries came in and you all said your favourite animals I mentally ticked off the ones I was pretty confident I could make a pattern/toy for ~ wallaby, platapus, koala and even an emu no problem ...not so sure about the will I make all those spines? Froggy Mamma is right tho - they are seriously cute.
When I was a teenager I stopped the traffic in both directions to make sure a waddling little echidna made it safely across the road. I remember it seemed to take forever and I didn't want to scare it lest it curl up in a ball! it was very cool.
See you for craft on Wednesday; and as a little gift for you all I'll post the pattern for the kangaroo and joey so you can have a go at making your own ~ see everyone is a winner! x
Oh wow! I can't believe my eyes this morning! You have just made my day, thank you so much for this opportunity. And the picture of the little baby echidna, that helps too. ;) Wow.
Oh - and I would love to pay for shipping on this, it's just so cool to have won. I am so grateful for your generosity, I don't want you to have to ship all the way to the U.S.!
It was my pleasure, glad to bring a smile.
I didn't know that a baby echidna was called a puggle so i learnt something too - how cute!
It is very kind of you to offer but they really are very light and i can't imagine it will break the bank in postage :)
I have sent you an email through your blog - did you get it? S
so glad you'll post the pattern! What fun!
xo maureen
ps congrats froggymama
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